Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Spinach and Egg White Scramble

So I've been trying to come up with a week's worth of easy, fit and healthy meals.
Swimsuit season's coming up, is it not?
For lunch I opened the fridge and grabbed whatever the heck we had.
A tub of spinach, some eggs, some sweet peach and pineapple salsa, and some wheat bread to toast.
I only used the egg whites (I hate to waste, but when sexy was made, yolks weren't involved).
This was super easy, super fast and kept me full.

I'd love to try this with bell peppers or chopped tomatoes inside.
There are tons of alternate ways to make this if spinach isn't your thing.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Luck and Inspiration

The last few days have been filled with a lot of stress as I wait for my final grades.
It's like every time I check to see if they're posted, a chunk of hair falls out.
So what if my grades aren't as good as I hoped...I could just go to....nail school.

No one wants their nails done by someone who is stress-balding and can't even speak Vietnamese.

What was I thinking.

You see, this semester's grades determine whether I get to keep my full ride scholarship or not. There's been so much pressure to perform well in classes. Speaking to students throughout the year about how easy they have it, to be able to have parents who pay for anything and everything, and those students who are struggling and have a bunch of loans out already, has made me thankful for where I stand in all this. To understand how hard work results in hard earned success is something I am thankful for.

And with all this, I realize there is no such thing as luck, at least the way we use it.

"Luck is preparation meeting the moment of opportunity. Every single thing that has happened in your life is preparing you for the moment that is to come." - Oprah Winfrey.

She's like legendary or something.

After times of stress and trials, I normally feel compelled to reinvent myself.
A new project gives me the push I need to move forward with a fresh mind.
And why not have a reason to celebrate getting through school?
So since I plan on living at home for a while, I want to reinvent my bedroom.
Just some fun ideas...

                                                         Vintage wrought iron headboard


Mint and gold....love

                                                                 Another color scheme

Thursday, May 3, 2012

It's Been Real

I just owe all 8 of my followers (and those who maybe creep my blog and don't follow (; ) a big apology for being incognito with posting.
It takes mad discipline to keep it up, props to you guys and your fun and crafty lives.

But my oh my, do I have news for you.

So now that spring semester is out, I have moved back home for the summer.
Moving home isn't exactly every college student's glory moment, but hear you me, I am counting my blessings that it worked out this way.
I had originally planned to rent a house with three other girls, but one thing lead to another and I no longer felt comfortable in that living situation. Backing out wasn't an easy thing to do, given that it was last minute and everyone was left unprepared. I suffered a lot of repercussions from doing so, but I feel incredibly happy with my decision in the end and know it was the right thing.
I am so thankful to my mom and my soon-to-be stepdad, Aaron, for their support and help in getting me out of a messy situation. I understand now the importance of following my gut and trusting in my prayers, that they will always be answered, and in the end, everything will be okay.
All my stuff has been hauled out of the dorms and packed into my small room at home.
Maybe if I'm lucky, my mom will let me move into the basement.
That would just complete my cool I-live-at-home existence.
But it's free, and the food is good, and I feel loved.
Now I can save money to buy a new car, and maybe move out with my bestie, Miyuki.
...Love that idea.

So, here's the start of my summer.
I don't usually watch TV, but I HAVE TO watch Animal Cops. It's my coffee in the morning; gets me through the work day.
This morning's episode was extra good.
18 inches of straight up dog poop caked all over this woman's carpet. DAMN YOU, SUSAN! What were you thinking letting 50 dogs take over your house?! The woman has to sleep on the porch.
It's comparable to watching the Jazz game, really.

Aside from working 38 hours a week, this summer has potential to be amazing.
My mom is getting married in Hawaii in June, and is taking my brother and me.
Not only is this HAWAII, but it is also my birthplace and the islands in which my parents met and were married.
It's funny that a place with such a strong history for my mom and dad would be somewhere she would want to go back.
It's also funny that my dad took his new wife there on a honeymoon just a month ago.
It's almost like they both wanted to go back to start over.
Cheers to their new lives.
Cheers to a successful first year at the U.
Cheers to this sassy British ginger who wonderfully covered an originally wonderful song.
More to come!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

You Take Me the Way I Am

My mantra for the past week: "What I lack in facial complexion, I make up in fashion selection"
I've been punished with awful skin since the SIXTH GRADE. Sixth.......grade.....Please, Buddha, I need this. I've been a good monk. I never leave rice in the bowl. Boys actually matter in college.

A few additional things:
1.) I just paid $1.29 for a song that's 2 minutes long. I'm trying to be a good citizen and stop pirating my music. I can't take it, Ingrid Michaelson wasn't worth it. No returns?
2.) I understand that Valentine's day is this week. I have a dentist appointment this day and an exam. That's how significant it is to me. We don't talk about it.
3.) School is...kinda cool this semester. Wait, I said that? No class on Fridays is the bidness.
6.) Where have all my friends been lately? Bless their souls.
7.) Four pockets full of mission calls, hours of apartment hunting, and Tina Fey's biography (READ IT!!)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

They Hate When I Say "Goll"

Homework and laundry day.
Procrastinating as usual.
C'mon Karen, you're better than this.

I'm done creeping everyone else's blog, now I feel the need to take up some digital space.
It's so great to hear all the good news from all my blogging friends!
I'm very happy for you guys!
Married life, engagements, food, jobs, the gospel, friends and fun.

Did anyone else in SLC notice white death falling from the sky?
I'm crossing my fingers that this Sunday sunshine will melt it off my car in time for me to drive to work tomorrow without having to scrape.
It's in every conversation.
It's what I think about 24/7.
I'm just whittling soap bars and mumbling curse words about it while my eyes roll back into my head and foam spews out of my mouth.
I hate it so much.

Despite the epic storm last night, I was able to have a great time at the Crystal Hot Springs with some of my good friends.
What better way to get out of the cold than to soak in hot, steamy minerals!
...Let's be honest, it smelled like eggs and there were a lot of scary old men.
But on the other hand, it was much nicer than other springs out there.
Chugging up to Ogden in a mini cooper in white-out conditions was super sketch, but with the power of men and four wheel drive, we were able to traverse the death-laden freeway.
We probably got some STD's in our feet from the overly-moist and moldy bathroom floor.
I'd definitely go back.

Well geez, what's been up with my life lately.
I discovered that 90's house parties are so sosooso great.
The clothes, the music, the house-party-ness of it all.

My mother got a Facebook account.
She has maybe 5 friends and posts all these super hideous photos of me from 3 years ago.
I just cry about it.
I was so unstylish and chubby. The Facebook account has to go.

Connections are always nice, especially when it comes to shopping.
My friend Alex works at Urban Outfitters and has been kind enough to extend his employee discount to me.
However, I still managed to spend 80 bucks....on 3 items.
Typical Urban experience; I hate myself.
I'm feeling shopper's remorse and plan on returning some things.
At this time, I'd like to push Alex's newborn blog into your souls.
He's a ranting, edgy, bitter, sassy Mormon living on the brink of life.

I love Sundays, thanks to my friends.
Heck, I just love my friends.
Church is always so fun; back scratches, jokes, filling an entire pew with your closest gang members.
I met this girl in relief society today, Michelle.
She's the quiet, obscure, sits-alone type of girl.
I noticed she was folding origami, so I complimented her work.
"Hey, I like your dragon."
"It's actually a pegasus."
"....I like your...pegasus."
We're friends now.

Ordered this dress online from a place called ThreadSence.
Cute? Or nightgown trash?

Have a good week everyone!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

...And That's How A Baby Is Made

The. Holidays. Are. Cray-cray.

First of all, happy new year to all, and to all a good night.
Isn't that just rad?
I thought of it just now.
Christmas and New Year combined into one glorious, heavenly, holiday baby.
Okay, not really that rad.

Mom is now engaged to her boyfriend of 2 years. He proposed on Christmas morning. He got me a GPS for Christmas. Buying my love is one way to win me over... But really, he's a good guy. They have tentatively planned their wedding date for sometime in june/july.

One semester down, a new one to go. We don't talk about my grades. We just don't. Tackling 16 new credits. 5 new classes. 1 more semester with my room-hate. 1,000 new ways to kill myself.

Snowboarding for the first time. Soreness in every muscle of my body and crevasse of my butt. When you're an adult and taking lessons from the "Learn to Turn" program, you feel like a major wiener. So judge me, 12 year olds. I actually had fun.

Christmas party, as well as new years, with the wonderful babes in my life.
Paying $15 to go to the UVU Newphoria bash....not the most mind-blowingly fun new year experience ever. But seeing these girls was well worth it!
Bummer of the night: right as I entered into the land of Orem, I got a text from my good friend Dan. He wanted me to be his date that night to go bowling with a bunch of friends!
CURSES! I says to muhhself.
I miss Dan dearly, I only wish I didn't' already have plans that evening.
If I had gone with him, the chances of me scoring a New Year's kiss would have been relatively high according to my research...I studied the logistics and analyzed the approximate geometry of the stars and probability of our lips meeting and all...you know. Science.
There's always next year!

Last but not least, I got to spend some quality time with Miyuki!! Always good. Especially when Myung-Ga, family dinners, the ginger app, and Crazy, Stupid, Love are involved.

I hope you all set some "goals" for the new year, cause let's be honest, "resolutions" are diets people keep for three days and the dusty elliptical sitting unused in your basement. Right?? I'm just bitter.....well, whatever you like to call them, I wish you the BEST of luck! :)

Some of my goals:
- REGULAR ATTENDANCE AT CHURCH (Including full tithing payment and fasting!!)
This is a big deal.
No more of this "Oh it's 7:30 am, Im going to be a wuss bag and sleep in."
December 2011 was actually the first time I ever fasted; need to keep it up every month!!
There will come a time when your bishop asks you if you're a full tithe payer, and you'll poop in your Sunday's best. Not this year, I bought some Depends.

I admit that I've been very selfish and greedy in my life. Whether it's asking for Christmas gifts from my parents or even just buying myself clothes or useless things, I need to grasp the concept of SAVING! I'm growing up, there's going to come a time when I'll have bills to pay and a family to support; it's time to start building good habits! I've also failed to be charitable in donating extra money and offering my services to those in need. I plan to be involved in plenty service work this year. I feel like a guilty jerk.

Yes, I have sassed my mom before. A lot, actually. I realize now how GRATEFUL I am to have her in my life and how much she sacrifices for my own happiness. I need to reciprocate and be a support system for her in return. I've always kinda been a negative nancy, haven't I? There's no better time to change than now.

Please harass me and get on my case about these goals until the next new year.
Threaten me real gooood.

No...don't do that.