Sunday, January 22, 2012

They Hate When I Say "Goll"

Homework and laundry day.
Procrastinating as usual.
C'mon Karen, you're better than this.

I'm done creeping everyone else's blog, now I feel the need to take up some digital space.
It's so great to hear all the good news from all my blogging friends!
I'm very happy for you guys!
Married life, engagements, food, jobs, the gospel, friends and fun.

Did anyone else in SLC notice white death falling from the sky?
I'm crossing my fingers that this Sunday sunshine will melt it off my car in time for me to drive to work tomorrow without having to scrape.
It's in every conversation.
It's what I think about 24/7.
I'm just whittling soap bars and mumbling curse words about it while my eyes roll back into my head and foam spews out of my mouth.
I hate it so much.

Despite the epic storm last night, I was able to have a great time at the Crystal Hot Springs with some of my good friends.
What better way to get out of the cold than to soak in hot, steamy minerals!
...Let's be honest, it smelled like eggs and there were a lot of scary old men.
But on the other hand, it was much nicer than other springs out there.
Chugging up to Ogden in a mini cooper in white-out conditions was super sketch, but with the power of men and four wheel drive, we were able to traverse the death-laden freeway.
We probably got some STD's in our feet from the overly-moist and moldy bathroom floor.
I'd definitely go back.

Well geez, what's been up with my life lately.
I discovered that 90's house parties are so sosooso great.
The clothes, the music, the house-party-ness of it all.

My mother got a Facebook account.
She has maybe 5 friends and posts all these super hideous photos of me from 3 years ago.
I just cry about it.
I was so unstylish and chubby. The Facebook account has to go.

Connections are always nice, especially when it comes to shopping.
My friend Alex works at Urban Outfitters and has been kind enough to extend his employee discount to me.
However, I still managed to spend 80 bucks....on 3 items.
Typical Urban experience; I hate myself.
I'm feeling shopper's remorse and plan on returning some things.
At this time, I'd like to push Alex's newborn blog into your souls.
He's a ranting, edgy, bitter, sassy Mormon living on the brink of life.

I love Sundays, thanks to my friends.
Heck, I just love my friends.
Church is always so fun; back scratches, jokes, filling an entire pew with your closest gang members.
I met this girl in relief society today, Michelle.
She's the quiet, obscure, sits-alone type of girl.
I noticed she was folding origami, so I complimented her work.
"Hey, I like your dragon."
"It's actually a pegasus."
"....I like your...pegasus."
We're friends now.

Ordered this dress online from a place called ThreadSence.
Cute? Or nightgown trash?

Have a good week everyone!

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