I typed in all movies of interest that came out within the last 20 years and not a single one is available to watch online. Blasted, DVD only.
Only movies from the 60's are available online. Are 60's movies good? No one cares.
This is not service with a smile. I want to stream. STREEEEEEEEAM.
S T R E A M.
Obviously I'm still in Ely, and there still is nothing to do except eat.
I did run 3 miles this morning in preparation to eat some more.
Things I've discovered:
"Santa Clause is Coming to Town" is the scariest christmas song ever.
You will never get the butt you want by sitting on the butt you have.
Nevada weather is excellent. It's so dry here that I haven't had to wash my hair in 3 days.
"Dad, I want to go to fashion school."
Now I will become a closet designer and make obscure, unwearable things because my father never let my potential talent blossom.
You inspire me, Emilee Rose Dyer.
However, I've been feeling extremely crafty since I've been here and have been getting my Christmas ideas and gifts together.
Wrap your weave around THIS:
Homemade Christmas cards and crafts made by my own bare hands.
Creepy? Not creepy. My hands are golden.
It's a good season to be on Karen's nice list.
I was thinking about making some headbands and maybe pillows also. Too many things! My hipster friend Leah gave me the idea to make these. She's so funny; we were helping to make dinner the previous night and she informed me that chopping cilantro is referred to as "Shammanah-ing the cilantro."
I'll take her word for it. Shammanah.
P.S. I love not having school.
So can I come convince your dad to let you go to fashion school and then you can room with me in LA? Cause that sounds very ideal to me! You need to be here Karen!